Active Languages excels at creating highly effective and specialised business skills courses for every type of learner. Each type of course and corresponding level requires specific approaches, content and techniques that work in harmony to produce satisfying outcomes.

By making use of best practices in-class, online, and synchronously, combined with our online partner, the leader in AI-driven technology that puts the learner at the center, we create highly engaging courses that reach the desired outcomes in optimal time.


WORKSHOPS allow learners to discover new angles and insights on topics that need a fresh look. Learners work in small groups and do a deep dive into the various aspects of the business skill. Through exchanges and discussions with the other learners in the workshop fresh insights are brought into the open, creating new paths for rapid growth in developing the skill. Workshops are often a necessary first step in the process of skill mastery.

SIMULATIONS recreate the elements, content, and context where the skill is needed. Simulations allow the participants to act out the scenarios and take a step back and analyse, in a dynamic setting, what works and what doesn’t work and, most importantly, what works best for each participant.

“SPARRING,” a word taken from the sport of boxing, brings it all together. Sessions are friendly and dynamic and quickly develop fluency as they challenge the learner to react, and interact as if in real-life situations when the flow of conversations can move rapidly and change quickly. Sparring develops the skill of communicating clearly and accurately enough, but not necessarily perfectly, training the learner to improvise in order to stay in the flow of the conversation and, indeed, add value by moving discussions forward.

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+41 (0) 22 809 4900
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